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sticky - Registering / logging in to this forum

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sticky - Registering / logging in to this forum

Post by John-B »

Please note that some members of the old forum are trying to Login to this forum with their normal username and password used on the old forum without registering first.

The first time you want to login to this forum you have to use the Register button at the top right of the page (not the Login button). Accept the Terms and Conditions, then you can register using the same username and password as you use on the old forum but it is a new and separate registration here. Add your email address, set your time zone, (the time and the area like Europe/London in the lower box), give your real name (hidden from non-members) and your reason for wanting membership. You will also see a question which requires a precise answer in the box (if you submit a wrong answer the page will reset with another question). Then Submit the application.

After Registration you then receive an email and you have to click an activation link in the middle of the email which says "Please visit the following link in order to activate your account:" EDIT: TEMPORARILY ACTIVATION WILL BE BY ADMINISTRATORS ONLY. We get an email and will deal with it.

After activation, for all future visits you use the Login button top right of the page.

Your first post(s) will be subject to approval (a safeguard against spammers) but if a moderator notices your new registration before you have made a post, the requirement for first post approval may be removed if you are deemed trustworthy.

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